Semester 1Course TitleInstructor
HIST1017Modern Hong Kong  Tim Yung
Semester 2Course TitleInstructor
HIST1016The Modern World  Devika Shankar
HIST1018Europe in the long nineteenth century, 1789-1914  Pavel Krejčí
Summer SemesterCourse TitleInstructor
HIST1017Modern Hong Kong  Tim Yung
The course takes place from June 23 to July 12, 2024, running Monday through Friday between 2:30 PM and 5:20 PM, in CPD2.14.


In their second to fourth years students may take all their courses in history, or they may combine some history courses with courses from the departments and programmes in the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Social Sciences. Different modes of learning are reflected in the structuring of the History curriculum into ‘Survey’ and ‘Seminar’ courses.

Survey Courses

Survey courses are intended to introduce the history of a geographical area or a specific period.

Semester 1Course TitleInstructor
HIST2013Twentieth-century Europe, Part I: The European Civil War, 1914-1945 Adam Sacks
HIST2021Nineteenth century Russia, 1800-1905 Adam Sacks
HIST2031History through Film   Staci Ford
HIST2091The British Empire Uther Charlton-Stevens
HIST2144History of the Second World War in the West, 1939-1945 Uther Charlton-Stevens
HIST2158Women in Hong Kong history: Private Lives and Public Voices   Alison So
HIST2161Making race   Michael Rivera
HIST2192Introduction to modern Southeast Asian history Nicolo Ludovice
HIST2204Technology and History: A Modern History   Ghassan Moazzin
HIST2205Digital history: From concordances to big data  Javier Cha
Semester 2Course TitleInstructor
HIST2014Twentieth-century Europe, Part II: Europe divided and undivided, 1945-1991 Adam Sacks
HIST2107The Second World War in Asia and the Pacific, 1931-1952   Charles Schencking
HIST2178Trials of history: The courtroom from historical perspective Alastair Mcclure
HIST2198World Prehistory   Rebecca Hopkins
HIST2199The Mongol empire in world history   Francesco Calzolaio
HIST2203The Philippines and the Asia-Pacific world  Claudia Montero

Seminar Courses

Seminar courses involve more advanced study of special topics in history and a higher level of training in the use of primary documents or historiography.

Semester 1Course TitleInstructor
HIST3075Directed Reading   History Staff
HIST3082Birth counts: The politics of reproduction in the modern world  Carol Tsang
Semester 2Course TitleInstructor
HIST2070Stories of self: History through autobiography  Staci Ford
HIST2186Death and Destruction from Above   Charles Schencking
HIST3075Directed Reading   History Staff
HIST3078Cold War science fiction Oscar Sanchez-Sibony