BA, MPhil, PhD HKU
Office: 10.52, Run Run Shaw Tower | |
cctsang1@hku.hk | |
http://hku-hk.academia.edu/CarolTsang |
Dr. Carol Tsang is a historian of gender and reproductive health in Hong Kong. She coordinates and teaches courses on gender studies, motherhood and family. She was the recipient of the HKU Arts Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards (2017-2018).
Carol’s two forthcoming articles on family planning in Cold War Hong Kong and hormone pregnancy tests in East Asia will appear in Cold War History and Medical History respectively. Her current book project titled Better Babies: Eugenic Reproduction in Modern Hong Kong explores the production and transmission of reproductive technologies and knowledge in interwar Hong Kong.
Research Interests
- Hong Kong
- East Asia
- Gender and women’s studies
- Family studies
- Reproductive politics and technologies
- Public health campaigns
- Drug regulation
““Use with Caution:” The Uneven Burden of Duogynon in East Asia,” in Birgit Nemec and Jesse Olszynko-Gryn, eds. “Risky Hormones: The Rise and Fall of Primodos and Other Hormone Pregnancy Tests,” Medical History, special issue, work in progress.
““Two is Enough:” Class, Gender, and the Nuclear Family Ideal in Cold War Hong Kong” in Aya Homei and Sarah Mellors Rodriguez, eds., “Population Control Beyond the Iron Curtain: A Transnational History of Family Planning in Cold War Asia,” Cold War History, special issue, under review.
“Knowing Chinese Women: Richard Tottenham and Colonial Medicine in Interwar Hong Kong,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Hong Kong Branch 53 (2014): 167-81.
With Zardas Shuk-man Lee and Phoebe Y. H. Tang, “Searching for an Identity: Debates over Moral and National Education as an Independent Subject in Contemporary Hong Kong,” International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research 11.2 (Spring 2013): 88-97.
With Mark Hampton, “British History in Contemporary Hong Kong,” Twentieth Century British History 23.4 (2012): 563-74.
With Penelope Ching-yee Pang and Zou Yizheng, “Empire State of Mind: Articulations of British Culture in the Empire, 1707-1997,” in The British Scholar Society Newsletter, November 2011.
Book chapters
“Gender and Family,” in Florence Mok and Chi Keung Charles Fung, eds., A New Documentary History of Hong Kong, c.1945-1997, Hong Kong University Press, under review.
With Zardas Shuk-man Lee and Phoebe Y. H. Tang, “Searching for an Identity: Debates over Moral and National Education as an Independent Subject in Contemporary Hong Kong,” reprinted in Identity, Trauma and Controversial Issues in History (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), 25-39.
“Hong Kong’s Floating World: Crime and Disease at the Edge of Empire,” in Robert Peckham, ed., Disease and Crime: A History of Social Pathologies and the New Politics of Health (New York: Routledge, 2013), 21-39.
“Birthing in Hong Kong,” in Making Babies: How Science, Politics and Social Change Affect Human Reproduction, HKU Bulletin 20.2 (May 2019), 5-6.
Knowledge Exchange and Outreach
Speaker of Tai Kwun Conversations on the exhibition “Gender and Space,” Tai Kwun Hong Kong, 28 November 2022.
Hosting secondary school delegations in CCCH9054, CCHU9043, CCHU9071 and CCHU9088 (2017 to now) Past participants include The ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School (2021-2023), Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School (2021), St. Stephen’s College (2019), Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School (2018), Leung Shek Chee College (2017).