The History Society, the representational body of History students, was established in 1949. It organizes numerous activities of a social, athletic, and academic nature. In addition, the Society publishes the History Society Journal, consisting of student essays together with contributions from postgraduate students and staff.


  1. To promote history among students;
  2. To promote friendship among History students;
  3. To improve the communication between History Teaching Staff and History students;
  4. To assist in the communication between History students and Arts Association, Hong Kong University (A.A.H.K.U.).

Elections are held every autumn. The current officers of the Society are:

Session 2022-23
ChairpersonChung Ka Chun, Nelson
Internal Vice-ChairpersonLeung Ho Lun, Maverick
External Vice-ChairpersonChan Wai Ting, Ryan
General SecretaryLam Fung Hoi, Henry
Financial SecretaryLam Fung Hoi, Henry
Academic SecretaryTsang Yin Chai, Isaac
Publication SecretaryLeung Ho Lun, Maverick
Publicity SecretaryTsang Yin Chai, Isaac
Welfare SecretaryChan Wai Ting, Ryan
1st Year RepresentativesChung Ka Chun, Nelson

Contact HiSo

Instagram: hisoaahku

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hisoaahkusu/

Email: hiso@connect.hku.hk