The History Society, the representational body of History students, was established in 1949. It organizes numerous activities of a social, athletic, and academic nature. In addition, the Society publishes the History Society Journal, consisting of student essays together with contributions from postgraduate students and staff.


  1. To promote history among students;
  2. To promote friendship among History students;
  3. To improve the communication between History Teaching Staff and History students;
  4. To assist in the communication between History students and Arts Association, Hong Kong University (A.A.H.K.U.).

Elections are held every autumn. The current officers of the Society are:

Session 2023-24
ChairpersonCheung Tsz Ki, Kastie
Acting Internal Vice-Chairperson & First Year RepresentativeChong Ching Ching, Vivian
Acting external Vice-Chairperson & Academic SecretaryNgai Cheung Tak, Tadd
General SecretaryLau Isaac
Financial SecretaryChan Hiu Pok, Michael
Internal SecretaryCheung Sze Wing, Zoe
Publication SecretaryWong Hoi Ki, Kelvin & Wong Yu, Cole
Publicity SecretaryNg Chi Yan, Kristy & Lau Po Wai, Jane
Welfare SecretaryLeung Cheuk Lam, Belle
1st Year RepresentativesYam Karl

Contact HiSo

Instagram: hisoaahku

Email: hiso@connect.hku.hk