Public Lecture: Sexuality in Stanley Kwan Films
Jockey Club Tower 2/F CPD2.58All are welcome! No registration required.
All are welcome! No registration required.
At the turn of the twentieth century, radical utopian communities were built all around the world. They served as retreats, but they simultaneously constituted hubs for activists, reformers, and revolutionaries to meet, share, and develop new ideas and practices of community and human existence. The talk deliberately builds on different and seemingly unrelated case studies […]
In the early twentieth century Richard Outcault's American comic strip Buster Brown appeared in different forms in countries such as Brazil, Britain, Denmark, France, Italy, and Spain. This article discussed those appearances in light of Outcault’s attempts to preserve his intellectual property rights and his shift of the strip from the New York Herald to […]
Café Marx: this was the flippant name given to the Institute for Social Research by friends and foes alike. And indeed, the beginnings of critical theory and the Frankfurt School lie in an engagement with Marxism. Philipp Lenhard uses a broad range of sources to tell the story of the people, networks, ideas, and places […]
Trials of Sovereignty offers the first legal history of mercy and discretion in nineteenth and twentieth-century India. Through a study of large-scale amnesties, the prerogative powers of pardon, executive commutation, and judicial sentencing practices, Alastair McClure argues that discretion represented a vital facet of colonial rule. In a bloody penal order, officials and judges consistently […]
Call for Papers: 14th Spring History Symposium, HKU, 9 and 10 May 2025 The Department of History is pleased to announce that the 14th Spring History Symposium will take place at the University of Hong Kong on 9 and 10 May 2025 and will provide a venue for postgraduate students and early career scholars […]