The History Major provides a comprehensive training in debate, creative and critical thinking, and advanced writing and presentation skills. Our students thrive in a programme that encourages them to innovate, collaborate and apply their own ideas in communities local and global. This section of the History Department Website provides information on the study of History at undergraduate level.

Course Offering
We offer an enormous variety of courses – around 35 different offerings each year. These are designed along an integrated curricular spine linking junior with senior years and leading on to postgraduate study. Click here to see the courses on offer this year, and in previous years, and the History syllabus.

The History Department has developed a major that emphasizes student choice. Our intention is that students undertaking a History major will have the opportunity to select from a wide and exciting range of courses that represent the research expertise and teaching interests of our academic staff.
The History programme consists of introductory and advanced courses. Introductory courses are normally taken in the first year while advanced courses are normally taken in subsequent years. First-year courses usually comprise two hours of lectures each week. Advanced courses are divided into survey and seminar courses.
- Survey courses are intended to introduce the history of geographic area, a country, an event, a historical problem or theme in a specific period.
- Seminar courses involve more advanced study of special topics in history. They also require a higher level of engagement with primary sources and/or historiography.
To obtain a major in History, students are required to take:
- At least 6-credits of courses listed under Introductory Courses, designed normally for first-year students.
- No less than 54 credits of advanced history courses, including capstone courses. Of these 54 credits, at least 12 credits must be in Asian history and at least 12 credits must be in Western history. This requirement may be met by taking either survey or seminar courses.
- 12 credits of any introductory courses from any Arts Faculty programme(s) in the first or second year (which may include additional credits in 1000-level History courses).
Students in the final year must take at least 6 credits of capstone courses listed under Capstone Experience Courses, designed to allow students in their final year to advance their analytical thinking through the application of disciplinary knowledge and principles learned in the previous years. In some cases, students in the sixth semester of study may be permitted to enroll in selected capstone courses.
Any student who is interested in pursuing postgraduate studies in History is encouraged to take either HIST4017 Dissertation Elective (12 credits) or HIST4023 History Research Project (6 credits).
All candidates for the degree of B.A. or from the faculties of Science or Social Sciences who have successfully completed the First Year Examination in any department may enroll in the second to fourth-year courses offered by our Department.
Students from the Arts Faculty and other faculties are welcome to declare a minor in history. To obtain a minor in history, students are expected to take a total of 36 credits with the following components:
- At least 6-credit of courses listed under Introductory Courses, designed normally for first-year students.
- No less than 30 credits of advanced history courses.
For further details concerning the B.A. major system or how to declare a double-major, you can consult the Faculty of Arts website.