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  1. 難問西東集 [Nanwen Xidong Ji] (Commerical Press, 2019)
  2. 边缘人偶记 [Xu Guoqi’s Personal Memoir] (Sichuan People’s Publishing House, 2017; Collector’s Edition, 2018)
  3. 为文明出征:第一次世界大战期间西线战场的华工故事 [Long Journey for Civilization: Stories of Chinese Laborers on the Western Front in WWI] (China Intercontinental Press, 2017) (French and English editions by China Intercontinental Press, 2018)
  4. Asia and the Great War: A Shared History (Oxford University Press, 2016)
  5. Chinese and Americans: A Shared History (Harvard University Press, 2014)
  6. Strangers on the Western Front: Chinese Workers in the Great War (Harvard University Press, February 2011; Chinese edition was published by Shanghai People’s Press, 2014; second edition, 2019)
  7. Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008 (Harvard University Press, April 2008)
  8. China and the Great War: China’s Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization (Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press, February 2005, paperback, September 2011) (Chinese editions by Sanlian Shudian, Shanghai, 2008, 2013, 2019)
  9. 文明的交融:第一次世界大战期间的在法华工 (Chinese Laborers in France during the First World War) (both Chinese and French editions) (Beijing: Intercontinental Press, November 2007).
  10. 美国外交政策史,1775-1989 (History of American Foreign Policy, 1775-1989) (co-author, in Chinese) (Beijing: The People’s Press, 1991).

Articles (Selected)

  1. “试论 ‘共享的历史’ 与中美关系史研究的新范式”, (The shared history as a new research paradigm in the field of history of Sino-American relations), 文史哲 (Literature, History, and Philosophy), No. 6 (December), 2014.
  2. “中国人与一战” (Chinese and the First World War), 历史教学 (History Teaching), No.9 (September), 2014.
  3. “会当临绝顶,一览众山小:国际史方法及其应用”, (“The New Approach of International History and Its practice”, Wen Shi Zhe (Journal of Literature, History, and Philosophy) (in Chinese), No. 5 (September), 2012; 新华文摘 published an abridged version in its no. 1 issue (January 2013) issue, pp. 62-65.
  4. “Prestige and soft power: how Beijing benefited from the 2008 Games”, in Legacy 2012: Understanding the impact of Olympic Games, a special volume published by Economist/Economist Intelligence Unit, August 2012, pp. 8-9.
  5. Book Review: Andrew D. Morris, Colonial Project, National Game: A History of Baseball in Taiwan. The American Historical Review, Vol. 116, No. 5 (December 2011).
  6. “现代奥林匹克运动与中国的国际化进程”, (Modern Olympic Movement and Process of China’s Internationalization), The Twenty-First Century (Chinese University of Hong Kong), February 2009.
  7. “Chinese Puzzle”, Soccer Journal (official publication of the National Soccer Coaches’ Association of America), vol. 54, No. 1, January-February 2009.
  8. “How to Understand China: A Historical Analysis”, Michigan International Lawyer, volume 20, No. 2 (summer 2008).
  9. “China’s National Representation and the Two-China Question in the Olympic Movement”, China Perspectives vol. 73, No. 1 (in both French and English editions, Spring 2008).
  10. “Sports in China’s Internationalization and National Representation: China’s Participation in 1932, 1936, and 1948 Olympic Games”, The Chinese Historical Review, Vol. 15, No. 1 (spring 2008).
  11. “The Great War and China’s Military Expedition Plan”, The Journal of Military History Volume 72, No. 1 (January 2008).
  12. “Historical Memories and China’s Changing Views of East Asia”, The Journal of American-East Asian Relations 10, Nos. 3-4 (2002).
  13. “Sport”, in Akira Iriye and Pierre Yves Saunier, eds., The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
  14. “美国外交政策中的柔力与刚力”, (Soft Power and Hard Power in American Foreign Policy), 世界政治与经济 (Journal of World Politics and Economy) (Beijing, September 2005).
  15. “第一次世界大战对中国历史进程的影响”, (The Effects of World War I on China’s Historical Progress),The Twentieth-First Century (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), August 2005 (the slight different version was published in Jin Guangyao and Wang Jianlang, eds, Beiyang shiqi de zhong guo waijiao ( Chinese foreign policy during the warlord period) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2006).
  16. Book Review, John Carroll, Edge of Empires: Chinese Elites and British colonials in Hong KongJournal of Asian History, 41, no. 1 (2007), 97.
  17. “China’s Great War: An Unwritten Chapter of World History”, The Chinese Historical Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Spring 2005).
  18. “王道与霸道:美国外交政策的悖论”, (Policy-making based on attraction or on coercion: A dilemma in American foreign policy) 当代国际关系 (Journal of Contemporary International Relations) (Beijing, February 2005).
  19. “China: 1789-1914,” in John Merriman and Jay Winter, eds., Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire  (Detroit, Mich.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006). 
  20. “Opium War,” in John Merriman and Jay Winter, eds.,  Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire (Detroit, Mich. :Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006).
  21. “The Boxer Rebellion,” in John Merriman and Jay Winter, eds., Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire  (Detroit, Mich. : Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006).
  22. Book Review: Peter Zarrow, “China in war and revolution, 1895-1949”, American Historical Review 111, No. 3 (June 2006), 811-812.
  23. “Internationalism, Nationalism, National Identity: China from 1895 to 1919,” in George Wei and Xiaoyun Liu, eds., Chinese Nationalism in Perspective (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001) 
  24. “一战期间中国的以工代兵参战研究”, (Chinese Laborers and the First World War) The Twenty-First Century, Vol. 10, No. 62 (Hong Kong, December 2000) 
  25. “China’s Quest for National Identity: A Speculative Essay”, Harvard Vision, volume 4, (Cambridge, MA: The Dipylon Press, 1996), 157-179 
  26. “八十年代以来的美国外交史学”, (Historiography of U.S. Foreign Relations since 1980s) in Meiguo shi xintan (New Studies of American History: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Yang Shengmao)(Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 1996)
  27. “越南战争的现代记忆及其影响” (Modern Memory of the Vietnam War and its Influence), The Twenty-First Century Vol. 5, No. 30 (Hong Kong, December 1995).
  28. “麦克纳马拉的忏悔” (The Regrets of Robert McNamara),  美国研究 (Journal of American Studies)3, vol. 9 (Beijing, 1995).
  29. “美国文化心理情结与文明冲突论” (The Mentality of American Foreign Policy and the Clash of Civilizations), 中国社会科学 (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly), 2 (Hong Kong, 1994).
  30. “亨廷顿及其文明冲突论” (On Samuel Huntington’s Clash-of-Civilizations Theory), 美国研究 (Journal of American Studies), 1 (Beijing, 1994).
  31. “略论费正清” (John K. Fairbank and China Studies in America), 美国研究 (Journal of American Studies),2 (Beijing, 1994).
  32. “从1945到现在的美国队亚太地区的经济政策” (American Economic Policy in Asia and the Pacific Region, from 1945 to the Present: Historical View), in Feng Chengbo, ed., Asia Pacific Region and China  (Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 1992).
  33. “美国在危机中?” (Is America in Crisis? Comments on the Current Debate about American Decline), 美国研究 (Journal of American Studies), 1 (Beijing, 1992).
  34. “Junshi yu Meiguo dui Huamenhu kaifang zhengce” (Balance of Power and America’s Open Door Policy in China), Lishi jiaoxue  (History Teaching), 2 (Tianjin, 1990).
  35. “Lun Weilian Xihua de dong Ya zhengce” (On William Henry Seward’s Policy in East Asia), Meiguo yanjiu  (Journal of American Studies), 3 (Beijing, 1990).
  36. “Luo Sifu de dong Ya junshi waijiao” (Theodore Roosevelt’s Balance-of-Power Policy in Eastern Asia), Nankai Journal of History 2 (Tianjing, 1989).
  37. “1917-1919 qijian Zhongguo zhishi fenzi dui Wudeluo Weierxun de fanying (Chinese Intellectuals’ Response to Woodrow Wilson, 1917-1919), Lishi jiaoxue (History Teaching), No. 10 (Tianjin, 1989).
  38. “Meiguo xianfa yu Meiguo de jingji fazhan” (Role of the American Constitution in America’s Economic Development), Lishi jiaoxue  (History Teaching), 11 (November 1987).

Book chapters (Selected)

  1. “The role of shared experiences in studying Sino-American relations,” in Robert David Johnson, eds., Asia Pacific in the Age of Globalization (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014)
  2. “Networking through the Y: The Role of YMCA in China’s Search for New National Identity and Internationalization,” in Madeleine Herren ed., Networks in Times of Transition: Toward a Transcultural History of International Organizations (Berlin: Springer, 2014) 
  3. “China’s Great War,” in Helmut Bley and Anorthe Kremers, eds., The World During the First World War (Essen: Klartest Verlag, 2014)
  4. “Asia and the Great War,” in Jay Winter, eds., The Cambridge History of the First World War, volume one (Cambridge University Press, 2014. Its French edition was published in fall 2013 by Fayard, Paris)
  5. “China and Empire” in Robert Gerwarth and Erez Manela ed., Empires at War (Oxford University Press, 2014)
  6. “国际体育与中国的国际化及外交战略” (International sports and China’s internationalization and diplomacy) in 魏楚雄等主编: 東西方文化與外交論文集 (Selected Papers on East-West Cultures and Diplomacy) (澳门大学出版社,2013)
  7. “China’s national representation and the Taiwan Question in the Olympic Movement: the case of Taiwan and Beijing’s participation in the 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games,” in George Wei, ed., China-Taiwan Relations in a Global Context: Taiwan’s Foreign Policy and Relations (Routledge, July, 2012)
  8. “美国内战时期的英美外交研究,” (A Study of Anglo-American diplomacy during American Civil War) in本书编辑委员会编, 《野老丹心一放翁——庆祝刘绪贻教授百岁华诞文集》(Festschrift in honor of Professor Liu Xuyi’s 100-year birthday) (in Chinese, 湖北人民出版社2012年5月)
  9. “Olympic Movement and China’s Internationalization,” in William Tsutsui, Michael Baskett, eds., The East Asian Olympiads, 1934-2008 (London: Global Oriental, July 2011).
  10. “浮生三记” (Three stories of my floating life), in Wang Xi and Yao Ping, eds., 在美国发现历史 (Discovering History in America), Peking University Press, 2010.

Articles for General Public (Selected)

  1. “自信人生二百年,会当水击三千里” –为纪念毛泽 东诞辰120年而作, 中华读书报 (即出)
  2. “人类的前程和中国的未来” (Whither Mankind and the China’s Future), 中华读书报, August 20, 2014, p. 17.(reprinted in total by 新华文摘, October 20, 2014)
  3. “大师风范:入江昭先生侧记 (2)” (Professor Iriye, part 2), 中华读书报, September 25, 2013 
  4. “桃李不言,下自成蹊:入江昭先生侧记 (1)”(Professor Akira Iriye, part 1), 中华读书报, September 11, 2013
  5. “Anthony Cheung 和他的美国梦” (Anthony Cheung and his American Dream), 中华读书报, July 17, 2013
  6. “空谷灵雨许地山” (Scholar Xu Dishan and his contributions), 中华读书报, June 5, 2013
  7. “历史学家霍布斯鲍姆及其宿命” (Historian Eric Hobsbawm and his fate), 中华读书报, January 23, 2013
  8. “老马的风采” (Harvard Scholar Roderick MacFarquhar), 中华读书报, October 24, 2012
  9. “诗人的世界” (The world of a Poet), 中华读书报, October 17, 2012
  10. “Heading into collective future”, China Daily, August 4, 2012
  11. “追忆杨生茂先生” (Tribute to Professor Yang Shengmao), 中华读书报, July 21, 2010
  12. “Olympics made China less nationalist”, The Providence Journal, August 30, 2009
  13. “A Delicate Balance”, New York Times, August 4, 2008, Section H 03
  14. “The Goal China Can’t Reach”, Washington Post, July 27, 2008, B01
  15. “A Sports Revolution?”, Asia Weekly, vol. 02, issue 16, April 28, 2008