AWARDS aND PRIZES (2014-2022)

- Dr. Nicolo Ludovice is awarded the 2022 Young Historian’s Prize by The National Commission of Culture and the Arts of The Philippines for his PhD thesis Domesticated Geographies: Animals and the Making of Modern Health in the Philippines, 1860-1935.
- Dr. Elizabeth LaCouture’s first book Dwelling in the World. Family, House, and Home in Tianjin, China, 1860-1960 (2021) has been awarded this year’s prize for Best Book in Non-North American Urban History by the Urban History Association.
- Prof. Frank Dikötter’s latest book How to Be a Dictator: The Cult of Personality in the Twentieth Century (2019) is selected as Book of the Year by The New Stateman, The Financial Times, and The Economist.
- Dr. Robert Kramm has been awarded a Freigeist-Fellowship by the Volkswagen-Foundation to establish a research group on “Radical Utopian Communities” at LMU Munich, Germany.
- Dr. Julia Bowes received the 2019 Lerner-Scott Prize from the Organization of American Historians.
- Prof. Robert Peckham has been awarded an Endowed Professorship and is MB Lee Professor in the Humanities and Medicine.
- Dr. Priscilla Song received the 2018 Francis Hsu Book Prize from the Society for East Asian Anthropology.
- Prof. Charles Schencking receives the Knowledge Exchange Awards 2017
- Prof. David Pomfret is awarded the 2017 Grace Abbott Book Prize.
- Prof. Frank Dikötter has been appointed a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution.
- Prof. Robert Peckham has received an Outstanding Paper Award at the Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference.
- Prof. David Pomfret is awarded the Research Output Prize 2015-16.
- Prof. Frank Dikötter has received an honorary doctorate from Leiden University for his work on the history of the Chinese Republican period and the People’s Republic of China under Mao. (Details here)

- Prof. Xu Guoqi is awarded the HKU Outstanding Researcher Award 2014-15.
- Dr. Priscilla Roberts is awarded the SAGE Prize for Best International Journal Article on International Affairs 2015.
- Dr. Oscar Sanchez-Sibony is awarded the Marshall Schulman Book Prize in October 2015.
- Prof. Frank Dikötter is awarded the Research Output Prize for the Faculty of Arts 2014.

- Dr. Carol Tsang receives the Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards (2017-2018)
- Dr. Peter Cunich receives the Knowledge Exchange Awards 2012
- Prof. Robert Peckham receives the Outstanding Teaching Award 2012
- Dr. David Pomfret is awarded the UGC Teaching Award for 2012.

- Queenie Tang, year 4 History student of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Hong Kong, received the Global Undergraduate Award 2022 in the Asia regional category.
- Mr Nicolo Paulo Ludovice wins 1st Runner-up in the 3MT2021 Final Competition.
- Mr Tim King Fai Yung wins 2nd Runner-up in the 3MT2021 Final Competition.
- Ms. Kai Sin Wong is named a Highly Commended Entrant in the Social Sciences: Sociology & Social Policy category in The Global Undergraduate Awards in 2020. Her entry is based on her CCHU9043 Rethinking Women: The Big Debates project “Why are ‘Leftover Women’ Stigmatized in the Mainland China?” (See UA press release)
- Mr Nathan Kwan wins 2nd Runner-up in the 3MT2019 Final Competition.
- Mr Reynold Tsang is shortlisted for the 3MT2019 Final Competition.
- Ms Joyce Ng is the Regional Winner in the Asia region in the History category in The Global Undergraduate Awards for 2018. (See UA press release)
- Ms Ng Zi Yan, Joyce wins 1st Prize (Undergraduate Presentations) in The third annual HKU Interhall Academic Forum Final Competition. Her presentation is based on her HIST4023 History Research Project “The Rise of Garden Cemeteries in Victorian London”.
- Ms Pang Chong wins 2nd Runner-up and Online People’s Choice Award in the 3MT2018 Final Competition.
- Our RPG students, Mr Meerwijk Maurits and Ms Huang Dao Zi, are shortlisted for the 3MT2017 Final Competition.

- Ms. Siu Hang Tang is the Regional Winner in the Asia region in the History category, and is named a Highly Commended Entrant in The Undergraduate Awards (UA) in September 2016. (See UA press release)
- Mr. Mark Clifford is the co-winner of the 2015 Chris Welles Prize from Columbia University’s Knight-Bagehot Fellowship.
- Ms. Zheng Guan is named a Highly Commended Entrant in The Undergraduate Awards in September 2015. (see press release here)
- Ms. Vivian Kong wins First Runner-up and People’s Choice Awards in the Three Minutes Thesis (3MT) Competition 2015 in March 2015.